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Class of 2003 Gift

Thank you to all those who have contributed to the class of 2003 Gift!
Names are current as of June 23, 2023

Cindy Amad Aiazzi
Melissa Dell Anderson
Megan Barron
Jennifer Malle Beck
Rachel Williams Betlach
Lauren Smith Blair 
Kitty Licata Birkett
Elizabeth Boyle
Missy Williamson Budinsky
Mo Martz Buell
Sara Bularzik
Christine Cabrera 
Angela Billmeyer Cavazos 
Christy Reh Chiaramonte
Meghan DeNoyer Cusack
Maria Dalton 
Cassie Dauer 
Molly Bytnar del Monte
Ann Schroeder Ehnert
Abby Evers
Rosalind Johnson Finch 
Lauren Barney Freeman
Claire Navarro Gauen
Alicia Henderson 
Erin Sullivan Hieger
Tara Jansen Hill
Abby Hodge
Sarah Hoeynck
Melissa Romberg Huegrich 
Caitlin Huber
Amy Ladenberger Johnson
Meghan King
Angela Lombardo Kovarik
Annie Billings Krieger
Allison Leverenz
Stacy Lucas
Samantha Oberkfell Mueller 
Amy Kelly Neu
Erica Pfeiffer
Kristina Hellwig Poston
Colleen Krieger Poth
Erin McKenna Riske
Betsy Rombach Ross
Kayte Rossi
Laura Schlereth 
Maggie Griffin Stepan
Sarah Korte Tassone
Carly Thorpe
Bridget Walsh 
Roxanne Warner
Katherine Krupp Weber 
Noelle Hasser Weymer
Sarah Barnidge Wirth
Natalie Aaron Wolfe

Dear Members of the Class of 2003,

When Nerinx approached us to help the school raise money from the Class of 2003 for its Capital Campaign, we knew it was a huge undertaking. Over the past year, we have been blown away by the support and generosity of our classmates.

We have raised more than $91,000 from 54 classmates, with 39% of the class making a gift! The Class of 2003 has made its mark and shown other classes that a collective effort makes an impact, and we hope we have inspired other classes to follow in our footsteps. The icing on the cake is that because we surpassed the $50,000 mark, we will have a Lab Prep Room in the new STEM Wing named for the Class of 2003.

While our committee is wrapping up its efforts, Nerinx has a long way to go to complete its goal of raising $16.5 million for the Capital Campaign. If the timing wasn’t right during our class campaign to contribute, know that a gift at any time is much needed and will be greatly appreciated by Nerinx. You can read more about the campaign and recent accomplishments in the school's Campaign Newsletter

Thank you again for your support! 

The Class of 2003 Capital Campaign Committee
Molly Bytnar del Monte
Allison Leverenz
Erica Pfeiffer
Erin McKenna Riske
Betsy Rombach Ross

Help us Reach our goal of $100,000! 

The Class of 2003 is excited to be among the first class gifts to the Celebrating a Century, Shaping the Next Capital Campaign. This campaign will ensure the future success of Nerinx Hall through new academic and community spaces, upgrades to infrastructure, and the growth of the endowment.

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