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Lunch Menu

paying for lunch

Go to to sign up for an account or load a student's account with money. If you are signing up for an account for the first time, you will need a student ID number which is available via PowerSchool. If you've had a MySchoolBucks account in conjunction with another school, log into that account and at the top left you'll see your current school/district/food service, then the option to add another school where you can search for Nerinx. There is generally a one-day delay from when funds are added to when they are visible to cafeteria staff. Please be sure to reload funds as they get low. Alerts and auto reload options are available on the site. 

Cash may also be used daily in the cafeteria. Students can also bring a check made out to DC Culinary Services to fund their lunch accounts. 


Cafeteria Menu & Prices Effective Jan. 1, 2025