Campus Ministry
Campus Ministry at Nerinx Hall strives to form students according the Loretto values of faith, community, justice, and respect. The Loretto charism of loving service is at the center of the Nerinx student experience. We aim to love students just as they are and to help students grow into even healthier, more joyful, more loving servants for the world. Students take active roles in planning and leading daily prayer, monthly all-school liturgies, prayer services, and retreats.
Our retreats provide fun, powerful opportunities to grow closer to classmates, to God, and in knowledge of oneself. All retreats are planned and led by students. Freshmen attend a full-day retreat off-campus. Sophomores and Juniors attend a 24-hour retreat. Seniors attend a 48-hour retreat. Nerinx on the Lake is an optional retreat offered in the summer before the school year begins. Because the spiritual and faith formation of our young women is so vitally important as a part of their life journeys, participation in each of the four school-sponsored retreats is a requirement for graduation.
Liturgies & Prayer
Our community gathers for monthly all-school Mass to give thanks for the many blessings in our lives and to bring together our prayers for the world around us. During Advent and Lent, we begin each week with our all-school prayer services, which students help plan and lead. Each day also begins and ends with all-school prayer.
Markers in prayer
In Markers in Prayer, one of the many student-led clubs at Nerinx Hall, students gather to chat about how life is going both personally and spiritually. These regular check-ins with one another provide students with support and connection in their spiritual journeys.
Campus Ministry Conversations (CMC)
Our mission is to form young women to be servant leaders, ready to make their mark on the world. Just as students have regularly scheduled individual meetings with the Counseling Department for their academic needs, college prep, and mental/emotional needs throughout their four years here, as a part of our Campus Ministry program, we have Campus Ministry Conversations (CMC). Juniors & Seniors will meet 1-on-1 with The Director of Campus Ministry or the Director of Service Learning, to touch base on their goals for personal or spiritual growth in the semester ahead. Junior CMCs will take place at the beginning of their junior year to reflect on their first two years of high school and their spiritual goals for the final two years. Seniors CMCs will take place during their final semester for a chance to reflect on their growth during their time at Nerinx, and look ahead to how they are going to continue to live their values, nourish their spirit, and make their mark on the world. These conversations will largely be guided by how each individual student finds themselves wanting to grow in their ability to be a servant leader ready to make their mark on the world, and we are excited to work with students in this intentional, personal way! Participation in CMCs is a required part of students' formation and a requirement for graduation.
Katie Mentel, M.A.
Director of Campus Ministry
314.968.1505 ext. 105