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8th Grade Admissions Process

Welcome and Overview

8th graders interested in attending Nerinx Hall are encouraged to submit an application. The application and all supplemental materials should be fully submitted through the online Parent Portal (see steps below). 

Steps for 8th Grade Applicants

Need help making your high school decision?

With so many great high schools in the St. Louis area, we've created this comparison tool to help you keep track of schools you’re most interested and compare the different factors that will help you and your family determine the best choice for you!

High SChool Comparison tool


Monica Wehner Thomas '98
Director of Admissions
314-968-1505 ext. 115

Samantha C. Thomas
Assistant Director of Admissions
314-968-1505 ext. 151

Records can be sent to via the Transcript and Records Release Form below.Transcript RElease