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What to Bring to Test Day

Test Day Packing List

  • Food and drink are only allowed during the break.
  • Bring two #2 pencils – No mechanical pencils will be allowed.
  • Bring a charged calculator. We will not have extras.
  • Students can dress down per Nerinx dress down guidelines.
  • Bring a sweatshirt or jacket in case it is cold.

**Please remember that you cannot have your cell phone or any smart device during testing. Power it down prior to entering the test room!

Test Preparation Checklist

  • Know the format and the material that will be covered. 
  • Make a plan for what and how to study.
  • Make visual study materials.
  • Focus on the things you don't know as well.
  • Use your memory techniques.
  • Look at past tests and see if there are patterns you can improve upon. 
  • Get a good night's sleep before the test. Don't try to cram. 

Take the Test Checklist 

  • Give yourself a pep talk.
  • Take some deep breaths. 
  • Gather all the materials you need to take the test. 
  • Read the directions carefully. 
  • For multiple choice tests, eliminate choices you know are not right. 
  • Answer all the questions, including those you go back to. 
  • If you're tempted to change an answer, do you have a good reason or something you remembered when you go back?
  • Review all answers before turning the test in. 

If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Bieg at