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Make An Appointment With The Math Coach

Nerinx is fortunate to have a Math Coach dedicated to assisting students with all things Math-related! Mrs. Christina Butler is available throughout the school day to support students in test review and skill building. Her office is located on the second floor of the Student Success Center in the Learning Lab.  Mrs. Butler will be available daily during Activity Period and during the last 45 min of each class period for walk-ins. If you know you have an important test coming up, would like to review a new skill, or have other Math questions, please stop by.  

The first part of each class period will be time used to assist students that really need the extra help (missed school, etc) and have been identified by their teachers, counselors and learning consultants. Additionally, classes offered for college and AP credit will have study groups that regularly meet in the lab. Meeting times are posted on the Math Lab link available on each math class Canvas homepage.