Senior College Information
We are so excited for your journey this year and are here to help! Please read the information below as it will assist and guide you in this process!
August, September, and October are the months to complete and submit applications to schools; deadlines begin in mid-October
Please use the Senior College Application Guide to help you with this process
REQUEST A TRANSCRIPT via SCOIR - click here to learn how
TEST SCORES: Students are responsible for sending their test scores (ACT or SAT). If students did not choose to have scores sent when they registered for the ACT or SAT, they must do so now. Scores can be sent by logging onto your ACT or SAT account.
Appointments: Mrs. Sumpter (last names A-L) or Mrs. Carr (last names M-Z)
College essay/resume appointment: Mrs. Eschmann
Application Workshops: Not ready for an individual meeting? Need help getting started or a place to complete your applications?
We will be hosting group application workshops on Mondays and Fridays during Activity Period (unless there is a mandatory school/class activity)
Begins late August and runs through November
Come to the Community Room in Lockwood - bring your computer
Be ready to work and complete applications!
College Rep Visits:
- We will continue to utilize a Mini College Fair set-up
- Up to 8 colleges can visit at a time in the GYM during Activity period
- Log into SCOIR for dates, a list of schools coming and to register
- This is an excellent opportunity to ask questions or touch base with the rep
- Click here for a list of questions to ask a rep
College Fairs:College Fairs are a great way to begin to learn about schools and what they have to offer. Representatives from colleges stand at a table ready and willing to provide information about their school and answer any questions. Students can walk from table to table to meet with the reps.
Update SCOIR with Application Decisions: Log into SCOIR, mark accepted, denied, waitlisted, etc at all the schools you applied to.
Mark ENROLLING in SCOIR by May 1st: If you are uncertain by 5/1 because of the delay in FAFSA, please reach out to your counselor. The graduation program needs to be printed and we can discuss what to put in the program.
Turn in Scholarship Offers: Please send in copies of ANY AND ALL scholarships (must have the name of the scholarship and dollar amount) to Ms. McCoy at
Send your UMSL ACP and/or SLU 1818 to your College: Did you take a course for SLU 1818 or UMSL ACP Credit? If so, send your transcripts from UMSL or SLU. Please note:
If you are currently enrolled in a 1818 or ACP class, mark the option to wait until grades are posted before sending. Usually by mid-June.
If you need a transcript sooner because you are registering for classes at your college, you can choose to have a transcript sent to yourself and bring with you. Once grades are posted, you will need to send your transcript to your college. SLU Transcript Request UMSL Transcript Request
Finish Strong - Final Transcripts: Seniors...finish the year strong!!! Final Transcripts will be sent to your school in early June. Please make sure you are keeping up with your work and getting it turned in on time.
Connect with your College Now: Here are a few tips on how you can get started on making college connections before you leave:-Attend a local meet and greet (check with your college to see if they offer this). -Join your class’s Facebook/Instagram/etc Group; most schools have a social media page for incoming freshmen students -Attend an admitted students day
Newman Center Connection: Students wanting to connect with a Catholic Campus Minister at college...try connecting with a Newman Center on campus or one close by. Click here to learn more.
Can’t decide where to go?? According to College Counselor, Joanne Korte Elliott, “Students need to remember that they can be happy in more than one place. This is true for most of life’s decisions. You can love more than one house you buy, be successful in more than one job, or be equally happy with either car you choose to purchase.” If you're still stuck between two colleges, click here for some strategies to help.
Please look for emails from the college about the financial aid process and any updated decision deadlines or reach out to the Financial Aid office with questions or concerns. Know that colleges are working hard to get letters out as soon as possible. More information about the delay and to stay informed is available here.
Once you begin to receive Award Letters, use this link to better understand and compare your offers: Comparing Financial Aid Offers.