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Career Exploration

Career Exploration and Assessments

Big Future - College Board - Career Exploration/Database

Interested in a career in medicine? High school students should check out the AAMC website!

Interested in engineering? Check out these youtube videos, visit EngineerGirl or EGFI!

Do you like math? See what careers you can do using math!

Nerinx Hall Career Exploration Plan

Freshman year

  • Students are encouraged to explore clubs/find interests - club expo day

  • Students are encouraged to get involved in clubs and/or look for leadership opportunities

  • Students will take the PreACT in both the fall and spring; the spring administration includes an interest/career inventory 

  • Individual meetings with counselor to help plan sophomore year and begin to discuss interests for possible classes junior and senior years based on interests

  • Career Week - twice/year students are encouraged to attend the Career Fair this week as well as participate in various department opportunities

Sophomore year 

  • Students will take the PreACT which also includes an interest/career inventory
  • Individual meetings with Counselor to help plan junior year schedule based on current interests AND PreACT results
  • College Counselors meet with sophomore students; at these meetings:
    • Students are logged onto SCOIR - a college and career database
    • Counselors talk with sophomores about their activities (so far) at Nerinx and in community and self reflect on what they like, what they are good at, what they would like to continue to do
    • Self-reflect on what classes they like and excel at
  • Counselors will have a Sophomore parent meeting - talk with parents about:
    • Helping students recognize their strengths in classes or clubs
    • Taking advantage of pre-college/summer programs
    • Attending camps (UMSL, SLU, Mizzou)
    • Shadow friends/family in certain industries
    • Look for opportunities in STL for internships or jobs in a career field of interest (ie pharmacy) 
  • Career Week - twice/year students are encouraged to attend the Career Fair this week as well as participate in various department opportunities

Junior year

  • Students are required to complete the career profiler in SCOIR called "You Science"
    • Once complete students are matched to careers/jobs and have a database of information about not only jobs but majors as well
    • Students can save careers and majors in SCOIR for counselors and parents to see
  • Students will take a survey (made by Nerinx college counselors) about their goals for after high school; this is done in SCOIR
  • Students will meet with College Counselors in large groups and on an individual basis with parents to talk about their career profile results, survey and connect it to their plans for college
  • Students can meet with college reps to learn about their particular majors
  • Individual meetings with College Counselor to help plan senior year schedule based on interests/results from YouScience and surveys
  • Career Week - twice/year students are encouraged to attend the Career Fair this week as well as participate in various department opportunities

Senior year

  • Students meet with College Counselor to talk about career/majors and apply to colleges based on their aspirations
  • Students can continue meeting with college reps to talk about majors, internships, etc
  • Career Week - twice/year students are encouraged to attend the Career Fair this week as well as participate in various department opportunities

****Check out our Career, Pre-College and Leadership page for opportunities to engage in summer programs at colleges or various opportunities in St. Louis!

Question to ask at a Career Fair - click here